Welcome to Delimajaya Group!

Strategically located at the heart of Bogor City, Delimajaya Group is the quintessential carrosserie industry in Indonesia, providing best quality-competitive products & service for more than 45 Years. Our professional mechanics and master technicians emerge highest craftmanship. When it comes to auto bodyworks of both passenger and commercial vehicles, we are your trusted builder.

At Delimajaya Group, we're fully responsible with our work and give warranty coverage on our products and services, providing you with added assurance and extra value. Customer's satisfaction is our top priority.

Get in Touch

Our Commitments

The goal of our company is to provide the finest product and services possible. We understand the importance of keeping your vehicles well maintained. Customer's trust is the most valuable assets we have.


No. 1 Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturer

Since 1976 - Best Value for Business - 

Delimajaya Group - Karoseri Delima Jaya
Delimajaya Group - Karoseri Delima Jaya
Delimajaya Group - Karoseri Delima Jaya

Contact us at the above number to set up a time to come over and have one of our sales engineer to assist you.


Headquarters and Factory:
Jl.. Sholeh Iskandar No. 5
Bogor, Indonesia 16710 
P. +62 251 8654300 (Hunting)

E. info@delimajayacarrosserie.com

W. delimajayacarrosserie.com

Delimajaya Group - Karoseri Delima Jaya
Delimajaya Group - Karoseri Delima Jaya